HubSpot Workflows-How to Create & Manage HubSpot Workflows
What you'll learn
- Overview of HubSpot Workflows
- How to Set Up Workflow Goals
- How to Use Workflow Templates
- How to Create Workflows from Scratch
- How to Set Enrollment Triggers
- How to Add Workflow Actions
- How to Use If/Then Branches
- Workflow Settings, Unenrollment & Suppression Lists
- How to Analyze Workflow Results - Metrics, Contact Performance & Email Trends
- HubSpot Marketing Professional or Enterprise Software
This HubSpot Workflows course teaches you how to create, edit, and optimize workflows to help automate your marketing and sales processes in HubSpot. Nancy Lambert is the Co-Founder of Xcellimark, Co-Leader of the Orlando HubSpot User Group (HUG), a HubSpot Certified Trainer, and the instructor for this course. Many people are not maximizing their full potential with the HubSpot platform and we find that many people don't fully understand how to create and utilize workflows, So the purpose of this training is to help you learn how to create lead nurturing workflows and how to analyze your results in order to optimize your efforts.
Who this course is for:
- HubSpot Users
For over 19 years (and 17 awards), Xcellimark has helped clients increase leads by an average of 93% within12 months.
Before Google was even a search engine, Xcellimark led the pack as one of the first digital marketing agencies to embrace the Internet as a new tool for company growth.
The flexibility and array of services Xcellimark provides allows you to choose whether you want Xcellimark to be your helping hand, your team member, your instructor, or your entire marketing team.
Xcellimark offers training in digital marketing, social selling, and HubSpot software. We are a HubSpot Gold Partner, HubSpot Certified Trainers, and the Leaders of the Central Florida HubSpot User Group (HUG) in Orlando Florida.
Our online courses include How to Create and Manage HubSpot Workflows, How to Get the Most Out of Your HubSpot CRM, an in-depth Digital Marketing course, a Digital Marketing Fundamentals course, and a Social Selling course. Additional HubSpot-specific courses are continuing to be developed and will be available soon.
Xcellimark also offers live, personalized HubSpot training for companies who want their employees trained with a live instructor.
Whether you desire to improve your skills as a digital marketing professional, learn how to sell more effectively through social selling, gain more advanced knowledge on how to use HubSpot, or you want to hire our agency to help grow your business, Xcellimark is committed to your success. You are provided with the training, services, technology, and "growth marketing" support you need to grow your career and your business.