What you'll learn
- Massage of meridians
- How to use Gua Sha scraper
- Contraindications
- Massage of acupuncture points
- Benefits of Gua Sha
- Gua Sha scraper
- Massage oil
Welcome to practical Gua Sha self-massage course. At each stage I am going to explain which energy meridians and acupuncture points we are working with. I invite you to get acquainted with the secrets of ancient Chinese medicine. This massage technique has been used for centuries to relieve pain, stimulate energy flow and improve health.
Daily Gua Sha massage increases the amount of Yang energy.
This has a beneficial effect on the immune system. Gua Sha massage can be called the pearl of Chinese medicine. This technique helps prevent diseases and is also used in treatment and rehabilitation. I am going to teach you how to effectively and safely use a Gua Sha scraper.
Is massage right for me?
This technique is useful even for healthy people. Gua Sha improves blood circulation, has a positive effect on sleep, and balances the emotional state. This technique is very useful for colds, pain in the knees, neck, back, elbows. Gua Sha can help with Covid and allergies. It's easy to improve your sleep using this ancient technique.
There are many useful recommendations in this course. The video will not take up much of your time, but brings great health benefits. Welcome. Join us, it will be interesting.
Who this course is for:
- People, who wish to improve health
- Beginers
- Students, who are interested in Chinese medicine
Автор книги о здоровом образе жизни и восточных методах исцеления. Книга Практика Моксотерапии несколько раз становилась бестселлером маркетплейсов и книжных ресурсов. Теперь с помощью видео курсов автор простыми словами рассказывает о техниках китайской медицины.
Ксения Фомина просто и доступно расскажет о том, как применить методики моксотерапии на практике. Курсы предназначены для широкой аудитории. Все методики опробованы на практике, освоив их можно оказывать эффективную помощь близким, знакомым, друзьям.