हकलाहट से मुक्ति - Freedom from Stammering in Hindi
What you'll learn
- हकलाने से संबंधित प्रमुख बिंदुओं पर चर्चा।
- हकलाने पर जीतने के लिए आवश्यक मानसिकता विकसित करना।
- उन अभ्यासों (Exercises) को प्रस्तुत करना जिनका इस्तमाल करके लोगों ने अपनी हकलाहट ठीक की है।
- आपको उन तकनीकों (Techniques) के बारे में बताना जो हकलाने की समस्या को ठीक करने में मददगार हो सकती हैं।
- यह पाठ्यक्रम चर्चा के लिए एक मंच (Platform) के रूप में कार्य करेगा और हकलाने की समस्या को हल करने के लिए नए अभ्यास (Exercises) और तकनीकों (Techniques) के साथ अद्यतन (update) किया जाएगा
- हकलाने को परास्त करने की आवश्यकता वाले कोई भी व्यक्ति इस पाठ्यक्रम (Course) को ले सकता है
- हकलाहट के बारे में जानने के लिए ईमानदारी और धैर्य
- प्रत्येक व्यायाम और तकनीक को समझना
- निर्देशों के अनुसार अभ्यास और तकनीकों को लागू करना
- कड़ी मेहनत का लाभ प्राप्त करने के लिए अनुशासन और नियमितता रखना
May 31- 2021- (Section 6- Lecture 129) Lecture on शुरुवाती बोलने के डर से मुक्ति - Freedom from the Fear of Speaking First Word
हकलाहट से मुक्ति - Freedom from Stammering/ Stuttering
हम कोर्स में आपका स्वागत करते हैं। हम हकलाहट के कारण उत्पन आपकी समस्योओं को समझते हैं। यह कोर्स आपके साथ खड़ा होकर आपकी हकलाहट के खिलाफ लड़ाई में साथ देगा और आपकी क्षमता का अहसास कराएगा। आवश्यकता है आपकी प्रतिबद्धता, अनुशासन और नियमितता की।
यह कोर्स एक साथ आपके व्यक्तित्व और अन्य कौशल को विकसित करने के लिए काम करेगा ताकि आप उत्कृष्टता तक पहुंच सकें।
हम आप पर विश्वास करते हैं और हम जानते हैं कि आप विजयी होंगे।
What you’ll learn
हकलाने से संबंधित प्रमुख बिंदुओं पर चर्चा।
हकलाने पर जीतने के लिए आवश्यक मानसिकता विकसित करना।
उन अभ्यासों (Exercises) को प्रस्तुत करना जिनका इस्तमाल करके लोगों ने अपनी हकलाहट ठीक की है।
आपको उन तकनीकों (Techniques) के बारे में बताना जो हकलाने की समस्या को ठीक करने में मददगार हो सकती हैं।
यह पाठ्यक्रम चर्चा के लिए एक मंच (Platform) के रूप में कार्य करेगा और हकलाने की समस्या को हल करने के लिए नए अभ्यास (Exercises) और तकनीकों (Techniques) के साथ अद्यतन (update) किया जाएगा
Are there any course requirements or prerequisites?
हकलाने को परास्त करने की आवश्यकता वाले कोई भी व्यक्ति इस पाठ्यक्रम (Course) को ले सकता है
हकलाहट के बारे में जानने के लिए ईमानदारी और धैर्य
प्रत्येक व्यायाम और तकनीक को समझना
निर्देशों के अनुसार अभ्यास और तकनीकों को लागू करना
कड़ी मेहनत का लाभ प्राप्त करने के लिए अनुशासन और नियमितता रखना
Who this course is for:
जो लोग हकलाते हैं और अपने हकलाहट को रोकने के लिए प्रभावी अभ्यास और तकनीकों के बारे में सीखना चाहते हैं
हकलाने वाले लोगों के परिवार के सदस्य जो उनकी समस्या को हल करने की दिशा में योगदान करना चाहते हैं
लोग और प्रोफेशनल्स (Professionals) जो हकलाने की अवधारणा (Concept) के बारे में अधिक सीखना चाहते हैं और हकलाने वाले लोगों की मदद करना चाहते हैं
The objectives of this course are as follows
To discuss about the concept of stammering and various areas related to it.
To discuss about the exercises which can help in solving the problem of stammering.
To explain the techniques which can be supportive in defeating stammering.
To use this platform for discussions and sharing ideas about solving stammering/ stuttering.
To keep updating this channel with new ideas, techniques and exercises.
The market/ digital space is full of fake people and information. People and the families which face the problem of stammering on day-to-day basis need some right information about stammering.
People who have the problem of stammering have a lot of potential, energy and ambitions. Most of the time these dreams remain unfulfilled and the potential of these people remain unrealized. We want to support this people in unleashing their potential.
Even if the right information is available with this complex and technical. People are not able to understand and use it to see some observable difference in their stammering. We want to simplify their fight with stammering.
We want to collect analyze and present the exercises, techniques and thought process which have worked for the people to solve their problem of stammering. In the case of stammering, as in many other cases, complexity does not work. What is required is the real people who were successful in defeating their stammering and went on to became a great speaker. We identified the techniques and exercises used by them which we have presented here in this course. These exercises have worked and still work and will always work to enhance the communication skills of the people. Readers implementation of these techniques and exercises have helped people to release themselves from the shackles of stammering/stuttering.
In several cases the problem of stammering is not even present. Many people do not understand the true meaning of stammering and only consider themselves as the person with stammering. You want to release these people from the stress of speaking.
Many people who do not have a stammering but want to improve enhancing the speaking process. These exercises and techniques would help them to take their communication skills to the next level.
We want to help the families of the people who have stammering.
We want to support several teachers, mentors, therapist and other professionals who want to learn fresh ideas to deal with the problem of stammering. Next
This course can also act as a platform for discussions and updating the exercises and techniques to deal with the problem of stammering.
This course can be useful for:
The people who stammers and want to learn about effective exercises and techniques to defeat their stammering.
The family members of the people who stammers and want to contribute towards solving their problem.
People and professionals who want to learn more about the concept of stammering and learn the tools to deal with it.
This course has been developed with the commitment to help the people with stammering and passion to identify the techniques and exercises which have helped people.
The techniques and exercises which are specified in the course are generic, allowing the learners to modify these techniques based upon their specific requirements and environment we have the maximum impact.
These techniques and exercises have helped several people to solve the problem of stammering and enhance their communication skills. The basic purpose of this course is to present those ideas and techniques.
To discuss major points related to stammering in teenagers and adults
To develop the mindset required to win over stammering.
To present the exercises which have helped people to defeat their stammering
To tell you about the techniques which could be helpful in dealing with the problem of stammering.
We understand the problems faced by the people who stammers or parents facing the challenge of kid’s stammering. The frustration to express themselves or the failure to communicate their message to others is limiting and debilitating.
Many people make fun of people who stammers while others show pity or sympathy. None of these is uplifting for the person who is fighting the battle for normal communication. It is also deep troubling for the people associated with that person. That is the reason most of the people who stammers struggles to live a normal life. Many people lose their confidence and starts to feeling defeated. The tend to develop inferiority complex which also affects their other activities in life and work. A person with the potential of becoming an entrepreneur, a politician, researcher or a salesperson is unable to reach his true potential. It is loose-loose for all.
In most cases, stammering is the psychological fear of producing specific sounds, speaking specific letters or words. It could also be due to anxiety for some reason or unnatural breathing patterns. Whatever be the reason, the person starts to believe that he would not be able to speak properly and utter some words. This soon becomes a reality for him. With every instance of stammering, the psychological fear of words increases. Many people try to fight their stammering by taking medicines, visiting speech therapist implementing weird suggestions of people. This keeps happening till the person stops trying and accept stammering as his fate.
We need to understand that for most stammering is just a hard behavior which refuses to go. At a certain point, it does not strengthen but it stays there. Different people would have different levels of stammering, that is their point of stammering saturation. The problem with this level is that it becomes the part of the life of the person. His mind and body accept it as normal and natural. They do not fight against it. That is a point when stammering makes its temporary home as permanent.
How these techniques were created?
For previous generations, stammering was a bad luck or a disease. Just as a person is born without a finger or limb, same was the case with the stammering. It was supposed that a person is born with it. For some, it was hereditary while for others it was the punishment for a bad deed of the past life. As stammering was accepted as bad luck, people accepted it as a handicap which was incurable. They learnt to live with it. That is how the people from previous generations had lived and present generations is learning to live with communication deficiency.
Opportunists and profit-minded people found an opportunity to earn from the pain, frustration and fear of people affected with stammering. They opened shops, clinics and treatment centers to train in commonsense exercises and techniques. Some offered medicines while others seemed to find solution in Alternative Therapies. As about 1% of the world’s population stammers in some way, it was a big business without much risk. If someone improves a little, mostly by their own efforts, it was the success of the coach, otherwise failure was the responsibility of the aspirant. Families and people flocked to these snake-oil sellers.
This fact is not to imply that these coaches and so-called doctors are harming the people in anyway. Some of these people have good techniques and methods to deal with stammering. These techniques and exercises can simply be told through a book, article, audio or video. It does not require costly treatment and daily visits. Definitely they are exploiting the fear of the affected by showing them hope. People who stammers and their families desperately want to feel the freedom of fearless communication.
Most of the people starts to believe that stammering is the part of their life, just the way any other body part. That is the start of lifelong stammering. It is to be understood that most of the stammering are psychological fear of some letter, words or phrases. Though few cases of stammering are neurological, which is the lack of synchronization in mind and speech. In this cases, consultancy and treatment from a doctor is required.
Then there were some who refused to accept their incapacity in communication and fought against it. They refused to accept their destiny forcing the life of stammering suffocation. They decided to fight against it and become its cure.
These rebels of the status-quo were logical and experienced. They understood the exploitative people around them trying to earn on their fear. Most of them were the victims of witch-doctors and did not want others to experience it. They decided to do something about it, by curing their speech impediments themselves.
After suffering for years with their inability to express themselves, these people had understood the mechanism of stammering. They knew that it is not a disease, instead a psychological fear of some letters, words and phrases. The main culprits were anxiety and lack of confidence. They understood that stuttering is merely a habit which had become a behavior overtime. This bad behavior was rooted deep inside their mind and psyche, which would pose a big challenge to win. They started to deal with their anxiety and develop confidence by developing techniques and methodologies with trial and error. It was tough initially as they were sailing in uncharted waters, but soon this started to see the seeds of success. That was the moment when they started to feel the confidence of winning over their communication impairment. This was the start of a revolution to defeat stammering.
Forums were formed and people started to interact with each other on different channels. They started to share their techniques, which they have learned through hit and trial, with each other. They shared their experiences and learning about the ways to improve their speaking and communication skills effectively. Most of these rebels were able to cure their stammering by 60, 70, 80, 90, 95 and in some cases 99%.
They also learned that these techniques to deal with their stammering was not a permanent solution. Stammering has the habit of relapsing, so therefore it was necessary to keep working on it constantly without any breaks. Order long period of time, which could be different for different people, the intensity of their practice would be slowly reduced.
The solution to stammering, stuttering and speaking impediments was ready, with completely natural ways to defeat it.
We would discuss those techniques and methodologies in this course.
Some facts about the techniques
· These are the techniques which have been effectively used by different people with speech impediments to defeat their stammering. We would present only those techniques from the long list of techniques which have worked wonders to enhance the communication skills of the practitioners.
· Each technique would have varied effect on a different person. It will also depend upon the intensity with which it is used and personalized.
· The impact of the technique also depends upon the regularity and sincerity with which it was implemented.
· The techniques may require some personalization based on the choices and requirements of the users. The methodologies and techniques specified here are generic, which can be used by different users to improve their speech and communication.
· If any user feels any discomfort or problem of any type with any specified technique or methodology, then they should discontinue it immediately. They can always try it later with care and attention. It is possible that some ideas would have more effect than other techniques.
· The ideas specified here are easy to implement. They can be used with any other treatment which the user is undergoing. These are simple exercises and can become the part of life just like any other exercise.
· If these techniques and methodologies are not having any positive effect on you even after sustain sincere efforts for a long time, then it is time to consult a doctor or a speech therapist.
Who this course is for:
- जो लोग हकलाते हैं और अपने हकलाहट को रोकने के लिए प्रभावी अभ्यास और तकनीकों के बारे में सीखना चाहते हैं
- हकलाने वाले लोगों के परिवार के सदस्य जो उनकी समस्या को हल करने की दिशा में योगदान करना चाहते हैं
- लोग और प्रोफेशनल्स (Professionals) जो हकलाने की अवधारणा (Concept) के बारे में अधिक सीखना चाहते हैं और हकलाने वाले लोगों की मदद करना चाहते हैं
यह अंशुमान शर्मा का हिंदी चैनल है.
This is the Hindi Channel of Anshuman Sharma
Anshuman is an entrepreneur, investor, and author who has been instrumental in creating many successful companies. He has more than eighteen years of holistic and rich experience in Consulting, Managing, Marketing, and Selling products & services. He has created Private Limited companies like Aegis Consulting, Nexeia Technologies, Equifone Solutions, and Meetle Technologies. He is also involved in supporting the development of several other companies. He was based in Mumbai – India.
He is an internationally published author of 15 books on various topics including business, design, management, and fiction. These books are available in paperback and e-book format on Amazon, iTunes, Google and Barnes, and Noble.
He is trained in technology and management, from top Universities with an enriching feel and knowledge of business. His major strengths are in strategic planning & marketing, execution, sales management, training and taking different teams to their peak level to achieve excellence in results.
He has extremely rich experience & connections in technology markets and high-level skills in Business Management. His guidance has helped many businessman, investor and entrepreneurs to succeed in their businesses. He was associated with MITCON - A consulting organization providing consulting to Government and support to entrepreneurs, SISI (Small Industries Service School) - A Government of India initiative to support entrepreneurs, IIT (Indian Institute of Technology) entrepreneurship cells, and several business incubation centers.
Anshuman has successful YouTube channels.
On the international level, he is a Mentor and Business Plan judge for Wharton Business School – USA and is associated with several reputed Universities.
Presently he is focused on developing new successful businesses, in various industries through support and investment. He is the Director of Aegis Consulting (I) Pvt. Ltd., which is a Business and Marketing Strategy Consulting company. He is also associated with ‘Conversational Skills’ which is a Personality Development organization for professionals, managers, students and the general public.