Dyslexia Assessment
What you'll learn
- Dyslexia Definition
- Dyslexia Signs
- The Difference between Testing and Assessment
- Importance of Dyslexia Assessment
- Purpose of Dyslexia Assessment
- Components of Dyslexia Assessment
- Different Types of Tests
- Difference between Screening & Evaluations
- Importance of Observation in Dyslexia Assessment
- Steps of Dyslexia Assessment
- International Dyslexia Support Organizations
- No prior knowledge of dyslexia is required to take this basic course on Dyslexia Assessment
- Checklists and tests related to dyslexia
This course is for beginners who would like to understand Dyslexia Assessment. The Course is delivered in accessible language and aims to demystify the process of Dyslexia Assessment. It covers the definition of dyslexia and its symptoms and it also comments on Dyslexia Observation and Checklists. It then explains what testing means and the different types of tests as well as the importance and the process of dyslexia assessment. The difference between screening and full psycho-educational evaluation is explained as well as the various components of dyslexia assessment and its steps. For the definition part, the course provides examples of two definitions: The first proposed by the International Dyslexia Association which is based in the US and is by far the biggest and oldest non-profit organization for dyslexia globally and the second one is the definition of the British Dyslexia Association which is the oldest organization of its kind in Europe. Based on the definition, the course then moves to provide in details various signs and symptoms of dyslexia that are useful for both parents and educators alike so that they watch out for such signs inside the classroom and at home and if possible, as early as they can. However, the course also warns against judging or labeling students to have dyslexia based on observed signs only as the assessment of dyslexia has different types but the one that is accurate is the one conducted by professionals who studied dyslexia and its manifestation and that can be either carried by licensed educational psychologists or by a multi-disciplinary team of professionals which may include psychologists, neurologists, speech and language specialists, educational diagnosticians, teachers and pediatricians. The course provides in detail differences between screening and full evaluation and calls for the importance of early identification of dyslexia.
Who this course is for:
- General Classroom Teachers
- Adults with Dyslexia
- Special Educational Needs Coordinators
- Teaching Assistants
- Learning Assistants
- Shadow Teachers
- Parents of students with dyslexia
- Special Needs Teachers
- Psychologists
- Counselors
- Social Workers
Dr. Gad Elbeheri is the Founder and Managing Director of Global Educational Consultants (Egypt). Previously, Dr. Elbeheri was the Dean of the Australian College of Kuwait and he is now the Expert for the Centre for Child Evaluation & Teaching after previously being its Executive Director.
Dr. Elbeheri obtained his PhD from the University of Durham, UK and has a keen interest in cross-linguistic studies of Dyslexia, Learning Disabilities and Inclusion.
Dr. Elbeheri has made over 40 conference and seminar presentations around the world. He has published over 8 books in both English and Arabic in the field of dyslexia, and over 10 peer reviewed journal articles on dyslexia and its manifestations in Arabic. He has participated in producing nationally standardized tests and computer-based screening programmes in Arabic.
د. جاد البحيري مؤسس ومدير الشركة العالمية للإستشارات التربوية (مصر) شغل سابقاً منصب عميد الكلية الأسترالية في الكويت، ويعمل حالياً خبيراً لمركز تقويم وتعليم الطفل بالكويت بعد أن كان سابقاً مديره التنفيذي.
حصل د. البحيري على الدكتوراة من جامعة درهام في بريطانيا، وهو متخصص في مجال الدسلكسيا وصعوبات التعلم ومظاهرها في العربية. قدم د. البحيري أكثر من أربعين ورقة وكلمة رئيسة في مؤتمرات وندوات في مختلف أنحاء العالم ونشرت له أكثر من إثني عشر كتاباً باللغتين الإنجليزية والعربية في مجال عسر القراءة، وأكثر من عشرة أوراق علمية محكمة. كما شارك في تأليف اختبارات مقننة على مستوى دولة الكويت