デザイン石けん基礎講座 Design Soap Basic Course
What you'll learn
- コールドプロセス法による基本的なデザイン石けんが作れるようになります。You will be able to make basic design soap of cold process method.
- 苛性ソーダを使うので安全な環境作りをお願いしています。(小さいお子さまがそばに近寄らない、ペットを遠ざけるなど。) Since you use lye, I am requesting to make safe environment. Small children do not come near, Keep pets away.
- 手作り石けんのご経験のない方は「はじめての手作りデザイン石けん」講座を受けていただくとわかりやすいです。If you do not have handmade soap experience, it is easy to understand if you watch the course of "The beginner of design soap".
We're going to make basic designs that you should know.This course is recommended for those who took the "Design soap of the beginner" of the previous course and those who want to master basic design properly.
<ベースレシピで作るデザイン石けん Design soap made with base recipe>
1.はじめに Introduction
2.トレースの速さを左右する要因とは What is the factor affecting the speed of tracing?
3.ソーダ灰がつかないようにするには How to prevent soda ash from sticking
4.ハンガースワール Hanger swirl
5.マントラスワール Mantra swirl
6.台湾スワール Taiwan swirl
7.ゼブラスワール Zebra swirl
8.ピーコックスワール Peacock swirl
<いろいろなレシピで作るデザイン石けん Design soap made with various recipe>
9.グラデーション石けん Gradation soap
10.尿素入りコンフェティ石けん Confetti soap with urea
11.固いトレースで作るハンガースワール Hanger swirl of hard trace
12.食品で色づけするレイヤー石けん Layer soap that colors with foods
13.これから学んでいくデザイン石けんのご紹介 Coming design soap courses
<ボーナスレッスン Bonus lesson>
14.繰り返し注いで描く石けん Repeated pouring and draw soap
15.デザインが作りやすい他のレシピ Other recipes that make design easier(Especially in hot areas)
Who this course is for:
- 手作りデザイン石けんの基礎を学びたい方 You who wants to learn the foundation of homemade design soap
- いろんな種類のデザイン石けんを作りたい方 You who want to make various types of soap
- 今後、技術のいる本格的なデザイン石けんを作ってみたい方 You who would like to make design soaps with high technique in the future.
I hold handmade soap lecture at Sakurashinmachi, Setagaya-ku, Tokyo, Japan. I am clinical laboratory technician, cytoscreener, Handmade Soap Asociation (HSA) senior soaper.
The original design is also popular overseas. Customers from Hong Kong, Taiwan, USA, Indonesia, Malaysia, Australia and so on are coming to learn. So far I have held courses in Hong Kong, Philippines, India and Mexico. Taking advantage of that experience, I can introduce soap making in various environments.