Cybersecurity Incident Handling and Response
What you'll learn
- Handle and respond to cyber security incidents in your organization
- Be professional in the field of the cyber security incidents handling and responding
This course covers the six phases of incident handling and responding as follows:
0- Introduction: Includes the definition of an event, incident, as well as the difference between them
1- Preparation Phase: Shows the elements of preparation and the team building,
2- Identification Phase: Demonstrates where identification occurs and the assessment for identification
3- Containment: Explains the deployment and categorization needed as well as the short/long- term actions taken
4- Eradication: Stresses on restoring systems and improving defenses
5- Recovery: Elaborates the validation and monitoring required for attacked systems
6- Lessons Learned: Confirms the importance of meeting as a team to fix and improve and to share our experiences with others
The course targets cybersecurity officers and incident handlers, and the material requires only basic IT knowledge and a little of cybersecurity background.
It is worth noting that incident response is a structured approach to handle various types of security incidents, cyber threats, and data breaches. The incident response methodology aims to identify, contain, and minimize the cost of a cyberattack or a live incident. A well-built incident response (IR) plan can fix a potential vulnerability to prevent future attacks, but it is not the sum game. Response is a part of Incident Handling which in turn looks at the logistics, communications, synchronicity, and planning required to resolve an incident.
Who this course is for:
- Cyber security beginners and professionals, software developers, and IT managers
Ph. D., “Enhanced Congestion Control for Internet Media Traffic”, Computer Engineering and Sciences Dept., Faculty of Electronic Engineering, Menoufiya University, 2006 - 2013.
M. Sc., “Video Services for Distant Work in an IP Environment”, Computer Engineering and Sciences Dept., Faculty of Electronic Engineering, Menoufiya University, 2002 - 2005.
Researcher, IRISA Institute, Rennes I University, France, 2001 - 2002.
Information Technology Diploma, Information Technology Institute ITI, Computer Networks Dept., 1998 - 1999.
B. Sc., Communications and Electronics Dept., Faculty of Engineering, Cairo University, 1993 - 1998.
Lean Six Sigma Green Belt, SECC/ITIDA, April 2016.
Dale Carnegie Certified Instructor, 2015
GIAC Assessing Wireless Networks GAWN 617, SysAdmin, Audit, Network, Security SANS, 2010.
GIAC Certified Firewall Analyst GCFW 502, SysAdmin, Audit, Network, Security SANS, 2009.
GIAC Certified Incident Handler GCIH 504, SysAdmin, Audit, Network, Security SANS, 2009.
GIAC Security Essentials GSEC 401, SysAdmin, Audit, Network, Security SANS, 2009.
RITI Advanced Management Program RAMP, Regional Information Technology Institute RITI, 2008.
“Enhanced TCP-Friendly Rate Control for Supporting Video Traffic over Internet”, Mohammad A. Talaat, Gamal M. Attiya, and Magdi A. Koutb, Canadian Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering CJECE, vol. 36, no. 4, 2013.
“ETFRC: Enhanced TFRC for Media Traffic over Internet”, International Journal of Computer Networks, IJCN, vol. 3, no. 3, pp. 167-177, August 2011.
“ETFRC: Enhanced TFRC for Media Traffic”, International Journal of Computer Applications, IJCA, vol. 18, no. 6, pp. 1-8, March 2011.
“PSNR Evaluation for Media Traffic over TFRC”, Mohammad A. Talaat, Magdi A. Koutb, and Hoda S. Sorour, International Journal of Computer Networks & Communications IJCNC, vol. 1, no. 3, pp. 71-76, October 2009.
“A Survey on Unicast Congestion Control Protocols for Media Traffic”, Mohammad A. Talaat, Magdi A. Koutb, and Hoda S. Sorour, International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security IJCSNS, vol. 9, no. 3, pp. 254-261, March 2009.
“Congestion Control for Internet Media Traffic”, Mohammad A. Talaat, Magdi A. Koutb, and Hoda S. Sorour, World Academy of Science, Engineering, and Technology WASET Proceedings, vol. 44, pp. 208-212, Venice, Italy, August 2008.
“Content-Aware Adaptive Video Streaming System”, Mohammad A. Talaat, Magdi A. Koutb, Hamdy M. Kelash, and Reda H. Aboelez. Published in the proceedings of the following conferences:
Information and Communications Technologies ICT 2005, Cape Town, South Africa, May 2005.
International Conference on Information and Communications Technologies ICICT 2005, Cairo, Egypt, Dec. 2005.