Corporate Governance in Practice
- student must learn The Basic Concept of Corporate Governance for Beginner
This course is about the concept of corporate governance in theoretical framework. The contents of the course are: the definition and the basic principles of corporate governance, performance and conformance, the corporate governance theories, the model of corporate governance, corporate stakeholders in Indonesia.
After learning this course, the viewers will understand the concept of corporate governance in theoretical framework.
Who this course is for:
- Student who want learn corporate governance
Bina Nusantara University (BINUS University) adalah universitas swasta terbaik di Indonesia. Visi dari BINUS University adalah "A World-class university, fostering and empowering the society in building and serving the nation". Misi dari BINUS University adalah "to build the nation and to contribute in global community development by providing world class education". BINUS University memiliki 7 fakultas dan lebih dari 40 program untuk tingkat Sarjana, Magister, dan Doctorate, 30000 mahasiswa, dan 9 kampus. Berdasarkan QS Stars ranking, BINUS University telah mencapai 5 dari 5 bintang dengan peringkat 7 di Indonesia (peringkat 1 untuk universitas swasta), peringkat 227 di Asia, dan top 1000 di dunia.
Bina Nusantara University (BINUS University) is the best private university in Indonesia. The vision of BINUS University is "A World-class university, fostering and empowering the society in building and serving the nation". The mission of BINUS University is "to build the nation and to contribute in global community development by providing world class education". BINUS University has 7 faculties and more than 40 programs for Undergraduate, Magister, and Doctorate level, 30000 students, and 9 campuses. Based on QS Stars ranking, BINUS University achieves 5 of 5 stars with ranking of number 7 in Indonesia (number 1 for private university), number 227 in Asia, and top 1000 in the world.
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