Cisco CCNP: Collaboration 350-801 CLCOR Practice Exam
Designing Cisco CCNP CLCOR (350-801) Certification practice Exam - Carefully selected Exam Questions to help you pass on your first attempt. Unique Questions.
If you are planning to take Designing Cisco CCNP CLCOR (350-801) Certification Exam and want to see what kind of questions are coming in the - Real Exam, these practice questions are the best for you.
The following topics are general guidelines for the content likely to be included on the exam. However, other related topics may also appear on any specific delivery of the exam. To better reflect the contents of the exam and for clarity purposes, the guidelines below may change at any time without notice.
Designing Cisco CCNP CLCOR (350-801) Exam Information and Details:
Exam Name: Implementing Cisco Collaboration Core Technologies
Track: Collaboration
Exam Number: 350-801
Language: English
Length of Exam: 120 Minutes
Total Score: 1000
Passing Score: 825
Test Center: Pearson VUE
Question Type: Single Answers, Multi Answers
Cisco 350-801 CLCOR Exam Topics Details :-
Infrastructure and Design
Describe the key design elements of the following, pertaining to the Cisco Collaboration architecture as described in the SRND/PA
Describe the purpose of Edge devices in the Cisco Collaboration architecture such as Expressway and Cisco Unified Border Element
Configure these network components to support Cisco Collaboration solutions
Troubleshoot these network components in a Cisco Collaboration solution
Explain these components to support Cisco Collaboration solutions
Protocols, Codecs, and Endpoints
Troubleshoot these elements of a SIP conversation
Identify the appropriate collaboration codecs for a given scenario
Configure codec negotiations
Deploy SIP endpoints
Troubleshoot collaboration endpoints
Cisco IOS XE Gateway and Media Resources
Configure these voice gateway elements
Configure ISDN PRI/BRI
Troubleshoot ISDN PRI/BRI
Configure and verify the MGCP
Identify the appropriate media resources for a given scenario (hardware and software)
Call Control
Describe the Cisco Unified Communications Manager digit analysis process
Implement toll fraud prevention on Cisco Unified CM
Configure globalized call routing in Cisco Unified CM
Describe Mobile and Remote Access (MRA)
Describe problems that can lead to poor voice and video quality
Describe the QoS requirements for these application types (voice and video)
Describe the class models for providing QoS on a network
Describe the purpose and function of these DiffServ values as it pertains to collaboration
Describe QoS trust boundaries and their significance in LAN-based classification and marking
Describe and determine location-based CAC bandwidth requirements
Configure and verify LLQ (class map, policy map, service policy)
Collaboration Applications
Configure Cisco Unity Connection mailbox and MWI
Configure Cisco Unity Connection SIP integration options to call control
Describe Cisco Unity Connection call handlers
Describe Cisco Unified IM&P protocols and deployment
Deploy Cisco Jabber on premises
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Practicing for an exam like the Designing Cisco CCNP CLCOR (350-801) can be a full-time job. In fact some exams are actually paid for by work because they are so intensive. Certification is not simple and takes immense work. It takes time, practice, and the right focus. We understand that because we have been in this industry for years and working in space full of less savory test prep sources.
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My name is Farida khan. working as a network engineer consultant for over 10 years. I have extensive experience in managing the configuration, implementation, and deployment of local area networks and wide area networks (LAN - WAN), and supporting network infrastructure and IT security systems. Demonstrated skills and experience in designing and defining network architecture and security solutions.
My goal is to encourage continuous learning. Technically speaking, there are always things to learn, topics to improve, topics and problems to understand. Knowledge sharing and continuous education are key to staying on top of the latest technology trends.
My passion is helping others achieve their professional goals through valuable learning content and materials that help them succeed. This is my passion.