Cavitation, Faradic and Radiofrequency Slimming Treatments
What you'll learn
- Professional studies e.g. consultation. Health and safety. Hygiene. Law. Consent. Documentation.
- Diet assessment.
- Integrated clinical nutrition for weight management. Ketogenic diets and fasting to enhance slimming treatment results.
- General health assessment e.g. BMI. Fitness testing. Muscle strength. Fat%. Glucose and Ketones. Pulse. Blood pressure and SPO2.
- Motivation of client. Understanding and managing the psychophysiological effects of diet.
- Cavitation scinece, contra-indications, treatment routine, and aftercare.
- Faradic science, contra-indications, treatment and aftercare.
- Radio frequency science, contra-indications, treatment routine and aftercare.
- Integration of slimming treatments and diet for optimal non-surgical body re-contouring effects.
- Importance of hydration and electrolyte balance.
- This course is designed for anyone from beginer to professional who wishes to learn and understand the application of non-surgical body recontouring treatments.
In 17 lectures, and many additional resources and an expert on hand to answer all your questions just a message away.
This course is designed for Udemy from an accredited professional course, so it's accessible to everyone, and can be easily understood by anyone from the professional who wishes to develop or start off in this area, to those who wish to explore these fields for interest. This course is accredited and also carries CPD points of approx 5.
This course pulls from a whole range of applied sciences and integrates them with professional studies, health, beauty, customer care, clinical nutrition, hydration, and exercise etc. By the time the student has completed this course, they will possess the academic and understanding to be able to integrate and apply everything learned and be able to practice safely and effectively in these areas. Applying Cavitation for fat lipolysis. Faradic muscle toning and Radiofrequency skin tightening. Ultimately being able to offer your clients real results without the cost or risk involved in cosmetic surgery. It will also make you more financially secure as your successful client base develops and grows, you'll soon be rushed off your feet.
This course lays the foundations for undertaking further advanced courses in Cavitation (Fat Lipolysis). Faradic (Muscle Toning). RF & Vacuum (Skin Tightening and Lymphatic Drainage). These advanced courses are currently in development and will be released as they become available.
Lecture 1. The consultation process from start to finish including health, safety, hygiene, law, consent, documentation, contra-indications, contra-actions, and aftercare.
Lecture 2, Professional studies including the consultation process, documentation, contra-indications, aftercare, consent, health, safety, hygiene etc.
Lectures 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 & 8 Discusses the importance of general health assessment, applied physiology, and how to undertake clinical examination, interpret the results and apply them to enhance the effects of slimming treatments. Also for baselines, ongoing monitoring, and for motivational purposes.
Lecture 9. Cavitation science. ( Fat Lipolysis )
Lecture 10. Cavitation clinical application (Practical).
Lecture 11. Faradic science. (Muscle Toning and Lymph Drainage )
Lecture 12. Faradic clinical application (Practical).
Lecture 13. Radiofrequency (RF) science. ( Skin Tightening )
Lecture 14. Radiofrequency (RF) Practical.
Lecture 15. The importance of hydration and electrolyte balance in health and weight loss.
Lecture 16. Psychophysiological effects of foods. Food addictions and food intolerances.
Lecture 17. Health importance of exercise. and reducing chronic health conditions.
After completing this course you will have the required underpinning knowledge and understanding to be a safe and competent practitioner who applies slimming treatments integrating them with health assessments, clinical nutrition for weight loss and management, whilst managing the mindsets and food addictions related to weight management and weight loss for health and beauty.
Who this course is for:
- From beginner to advanced. Anyone should find it interesting and help them develop deeper understanding of cavitation, faradics and RF as applied in professional slimming treatments.
The Universal College of Health and Medical Sciences, formerly the Universal College of Health Sciences in the (UK), was founded in 2007 by Dr. Nicholas Pearce. Who first started his career in Osteopathy, Acupuncture & Beauty Therapy as one of the first fully qualified male Beauty Therapists/Electrologists in the UK, and worked in the NHS as a Consultant MSE.
He then went on to university to study Applied Biochemistry and Microbiology and then trained in the NHS as a Podiatrist. He holds post-graduate Masters and Professional Doctorate qualifications and is state-registered. He has been in clinical practice since first graduating in 1993.
Having many years of experience in teaching, researching, writing textbooks etc. He has been an educational advisor for colleges and industry lead bodies for syllabus' and national occupational standards and has an Ofqual-regulated teaching and internal quality assurance qualification.
Nicholas is the principal of The Universal College of Health and Medical Sciences, which is accredited by the British and International Association of Health and Aesthetics, The CPD group, The Society of Naturopathic Doctors and appears on the government website "United Kingdom Register of Learning Providers"'
Nicholas really enjoys teaching and believes that everyone should have access to education, and personal & professional development opportunities so that they can become financially independent and free.
Nicholas is sharing his many years of academia, and clinical experience, & hopes you enjoy studying in a fun, informative, and entertaining manner, to maximize the learning experience. Please feel free to provide feedback and constructive criticism, as it's the only way we can make our courses better.
Nicholas is helped by his talented team of qualified tutors, examiners, quality assurers, admin, customer service and IT staff.
Dr. Nicholas Pearce
MD (AM), PhD, ND, DN, DO, MPhyto, BSc (Hons), BSc,