
Burke Doctoral Capstone Course- Sensory Room

Sensory Processing
Free tutorial
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 (1 rating)
249 students
31min of on-demand video
English [CC]

Understand the need for sensory spaces in schools for individuals with sensory processing disorder and Autism Spectrum Disorder
Identify the three tiers of school-based interventions
Understand the adults’ role in sensory room interventions
Identify the difference between interoception, vestibular, and proprioception.


  • No experience needed


My Doctoral Capstone was completed with Central Rivers AEA in Mason City, IA. There was a desire from several schools requesting assistance with creating a sensory room. The AEA did not have the time to dedicate to this detailed project and asked if I was willing to take on the project. During my capstone experience, I also was in contact with three occupational therapists from the AEA who assisted me in current materials and let me tour completed sensory rooms in other schools. I was responsible for researching the literature and creating two sensory rooms in each elementary school, while collaborating with school administration. I was in charge of creating policies, procedures, creating/building materials, set-up of the space, and staff education.  This capstone experience contributes to the realm of occupational therapy in several different aspects. First, it creates a safe and accessible environment for students with sensory needs. The AEA now has access to reproducible materials and staff education to replicate the sensory room at other schools in the area. Another piece of my capstone experience included collaborating with the special education preschool teacher and her classroom to create and administer weekly activities. These activities focused on fine motor and sensory play for the students. Each small group consisted of 5 students with autism spectrum disorder.

Who this course is for:

  • Familiarity with school based OT and sensory rooms in schools


OT Student
Sadie Burke
  • 5.0 Instructor Rating
  • 1 Review
  • 249 Students
  • 1 Course

Sadie Burke Ross

Occupational Therapy Student

Drake University

Des Moines, IA

My Doctoral Capstone was completed with Central Rivers AEA in Mason City, IA. I was responsible for creating a sensory room in an elementary school as well as collaborate with a special education preschool classroom to create and administer weekly activities. 

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