Breathing to Heal
What you'll learn
- Learn to utilize several breathing techniques for different situations
- Learn how to increase breathing capacity
- Learn how to keep the lungs healthy
- Learn about the various forms of indoor and outdoor pollution
- Learn techniques for breathing while standing, walking, sitting and exercising
- Learn how to practice the ancient breathing art of Pranayama
- Learn how to use the Neti Pot and other forms of nasal irrigation
- Simply be ready to learn some things about breathing you didn't know.
Every day we breathe over and over, and sometimes we have to catch our breath. But are we breathing right? Are we breathing with the maximum efficiency? Are we breathing in a way that helps us relax and boosts our concentration? Are we increasing our breathing capacity? This course will teach you how to breathe right, how to breath with the maximum efficiency, how to better relax and concentrate with breathing, and how to increase your breathing capacity. This course will also teach you several breathing techniques and how to breathe right while walking, sitting, standing, waiting, running and meditating. It will teach you pranayama and how to use a neti pot.
This course is based upon my book on breathing, called "Breathing to Heal." A free copy of this book is included with the purchase of this course! And the author of this book has personally narrated all of this course! (No robots)
After the introduction video, the first lesson will be about the physiology of the lungs and airways, and how our bodies consume oxygen and expel carbon dioxide and waste matter. This will show how the lungs work, how the sinuses work too.
The third video is about the stuff we breathe. This defines what good healthy air is, and the various forms of pollution that we breathe in outside, inside and at our work places. This also gives numerous tips on how to keep our air cleaner.
The fourth video is about some of the health conditions that can interfere with breathing, including asthma, allergies and sinusitis.
Then we explore several breathing techniques and what each are good for. This lesson also includes how to breathe while sitting, while standing, while eating, talking and walking. It also discusses breathing while we sleep and sleeping and sitting postures that help maintain healthy breathing.
The sixth video shows you how to increase your lung capacity. Increasing breathing capacity is important to athletes and anyone who wants to be more healthy. This video also discusses the Buteyko Method and how this method has been disproven by scientific research. The video further discusses the most optimum breathing techniques, including alternating breath and neti pot cleansing practices.
Who this course is for:
- Anyone who wants to improve their health
- An athlete who wants to increase lung capacity
- A musician who wants to increase their ability to sing or play an instrument
- Someone who wants to breathe properly
- Someone who wants to relax more and improve their concentration
"Decades ago, as a pre-med major working my way through college, I hurt my back digging ditches. I visited a doctor who prescribed me with an opioid medication. I didn’t take the drug but this brought about a change of heart regarding my career in medicine. I decided against prescribing drugs and sought an alternative path. During college and afterwards, I got involved in the food business, working at farms, kitchens, and eventually management in the organic food and herbal supplement businesses. I also continued my natural health studies, and eventually completed a Doctorate in Integrative Health Sciences and a Ph.D. in Natural Health Sciences. I received diplomas in Naturopathy, Homeopathy, Aromatherapy, Bach Flower Remedies, Colon Hydrotherapy, Blood Chemistry, Clinical Nutritional Counseling, and certificates in Pain Management and Contact Tracing-Case Management along the way. During my practicum/internships, I was fortunate to be mentored and trained by leading holistic M.D.s, D.O.s, N.D.s, acupuncturists, physical therapists, herbalists and massage therapists, working with them at their clinics. I also did grand rounds at a local hospital and assisted in pain treatments. I was board certified as an Alternative Medical Practitioner and practiced for several years at a local medical clinic advising patients on natural therapies.
“My journey into writing about alternative medicine began about 9:30 one evening after I finished with a patient at the clinic I practiced at over a decade ago. I had just spent two hours showing how improving diet, sleep and other lifestyle choices, and using selected herbal medicines with other natural strategies can help our bodies heal themselves. As I drove home that night, I realized the need to get this knowledge out to more people. So I began writing about natural health with a mission to reach those who desperately need this information and are not getting it in mainstream media. The health strategies in my books and articles are backed by scientific evidence combined with traditional wisdom handed down through natural medicines for thousands of years.
“I am hoping to accomplish my mission as a young boy to help people. I am continuously learning and renewing my knowledge. I know my writing can sometimes be a bit scientific, but I am working to improve this. Still I hope this approach also provides the clearest form of evidence that natural healing strategies are not unsubstantiated anecdotal claims. Natural health strategies, when done right, can be safer and more effective than many conventional treatments, with centuries of proven safety. This is why most pharmaceuticals are based on compounds from plants or other natural elements. I hope you will help support my mission and read some of my writings. They were written with love, yet based on science. Please feel free to contact me with any questions you may have.”