Blogging Insight To Learn How To Write Better Blog Posts
- Access to a word processor, blog or website. Free ones can be started at or
This is a course for anyone that wants to learn how to write a better blog post. Consider the sheer number of blogs that exist online today there are few that survive their initial year in blogging. The reasons for this vary, but there is one common theme.. most do not know what blogging truly entails. Don't be one of those individuals that starts a blog without truly understanding that blogging takes work just like any other content platform. Blogging truly is a business and this course will help you to write better and as a byproduct connect with your visitors better as well. A well written blog post, shows a reader that you have taken the time and have put care into writing a well published blog post. Even if you have been writing for a while or you are new to blogging, this course has information that may be of help to you.
Who this course is for:
- Anyone that is interested in blogging or developing content for their website.
D. Senu-Oke is a blogger, educator and a student of life. He believes that everyone knows a little something about something that can be shared to enlighten, enhance and enrich other people's lives. What you know and what can be shared gives people a sense of purpose and that is the perspective that he embraces with respect to the nature of content that he writes about and shares with others.
His content and expertise is in the area of search engine optimization, factors that affect SERP rankings, website traffic generation, website monetization, marketing and blogging tips. He has written e-books with a focus on those topics that reflect his expertise as well. D. Senu-Oke has spent several years online embracing both the positive and unfortunate failures that are part of the journey in SEO and online marketing.
D. Senu-Oke is a member of professional communities such as: The Blog Zone – A Community For Bloggers, Social Media & SEO, B2B Marketing, Business Development and Social Media on Linkedin and maintains a growing professional network there as well.
As a blogger, D. Senu-Oke sets himself apart with an intentional focus to seek value, purpose and substance with each blog post to answer questions to problems that others have pertaining to the topics for which he writes about.