Master Illustrator for logo design
What you'll learn
- Understand the basics of logo design
- Start with Illustrator
- Master dashboard
- Edit toolbar
- Master layers
- Master conception tools
- Edit objects
- Master pen
- Add text
- Add colors gradients and strokes
- Use grid and guides
- Work with alignments
- Vectorize image
- Add effects
- Create various logos
- You need to have Adobe Illustrator
Adobe Illustrator software
Adobe Illustrator is a powerful drawing software offered by Adobe. By mastering this software, it is possible to work on vector drawing and on the creation of logos. Adobe Illustrator is available by subscription. It is the reference for the vector format in graphic design. This software has very advanced features with many drawing tools. If you want to create logos, the Illustrator software will be ideal because it allows you to have the most suitable tools, it also allows you to work on the vector format to create logos.
Illustrator vector format
One of the most important features of Adobe Illustrator is that the quality of the illustrations created as they are independent of the resolution at which they are displayed. This means that a drawing created in Illustrator can be enlarged or reduced without changing the quality of the image. This is called the vector format. It is for this reason that software like Illustrator is used to create logos, because the logo can then be used in different forms and on different media without ever losing quality.
Training course
The course is divided into two parts, a theoretical part which will give you the key elements to understand the logo design process and how to choose your freelance platforms. The application of colors, the specifications, the rules to respect... Then will come the practical part with the illustrator software. You will logically learn the Illusrator software to be able to create logos. Discovering the software, creating documents, creating shapes, inserting text, inserting colors and much more... Finally, you can train on a certain number of examples. You will therefore learn all the basics of the software to be able to adapt it to logo creation.
Who this course is for:
- People who want to create logos
- People who want to learn Illustrator to create logos
Bonjour à tous et bienvenue sur mon profil, je m'appelle Nicolas. Fort de mon expérience et de mes compétences, je propose des formations dans plusieurs domaines. Mes niches principales sont le graphisme design, la retouche photo, la modélisation 3D et l'animation 2D. Je partage donc ces compétences avec toutes les personnes désirant apprendre. Je m'efforce de proposer des cours structurés et adaptés aux besoins des participants. C'est un réel plaisir que de créer et de proposer ces formations, en espérant vous apporter une réelle valeur ajoutée. N'hésitez pas à participer à mes cours !
Hello everyone and welcome to my profile, my name is Nicolas. With my experience and skills, I offer training in several areas. My main niches are graphic design, photo editing, 3D modeling and 2D animation. So I share these skills with everyone who wants to learn. I strive to offer courses that are structured and adapted to the needs of participants. It is a real pleasure to create and offer these courses, hoping to bring you real added value. Feel free to participate in my classes !