What you'll learn
- Students will learn the Different Configurations of Operational Amplifiers
- Student should Understand Basic Electronic Principles Such as Voltage, Current & Resistance Ohms Law.
Historical Back Ground:
The operational Amplifier was developed for use in Analog Computers in the 1940's.Early Operational Amplifiers used Vacuum Tubes were large in size and consumed large amount's of Power.
In 1967 FairChild Semiconductor introduced the first Integrated circuit Op=Amp. Todays Operational Amplifiers are far super then there Vacuum tube predserors. They are much smaller consume much less power and can be bought for a few dollars.
The Operational Amplifier "(or Op-Amp) is a high Performance Linear Amplifier with an amazing variety of uses. The Op-Amp has two inputs, (-) inverting and (+) and non-inverting and one output. The polarity of a signal applied to the output. A Signal applied to the non-inverting input retains it's polarity at the Output.
The gain of an Op-amp is determined by a feedback resistor that feeds some of the amplified signal from the output to the inverting. This reduces the amplitude of the output signal, hence the gain. The smaller the resistor, the lower the gain.
Al explains the following Operational Amplifier Principles,
Slew Rate
Frequency Bandwidth
Power Supply Specs
inverting input explained
Non Inverting Input explained
Non-inverting Configuration explained
Inverting Configuration explained
Voltage follower
Summing Amplifier
High Pass Filters
Low Pass Filters
Band Pass Filters
Notch Filters
Frequency response Curve
Open loop Gain
Closed loop gain
Resistor Feed Back Structure
Input Impedance
How to Balance the Input of the Operational Amplifier
Who this course is for:
- Beginners Students to old Pro whio want to understand or Review Operational Amplifiers
Albert Spinosa has been in the Electronics /Computer Industry Since the Early Eighties. I have been a Electronics Instructor for over 15 years and have instructed well over 15 Years. I have a very good method for instructing students in the Vocation of Electronics.
Albert Spinosa also worked in the Electronic Field usually in the R&D Product Development Division. Al has worked on one of the first Video Games in the Eighties, and Robotic Systems at GCA Corporations along with SX 70 Camera electronic evaluations at Polaroid Corporation.