ASP.NET CORE WITH ADO .NET Full Project based Course
What you'll learn
- Create a new Project in Visual Studio 2022
- Directory Structure of MVC Project
- Create a New Database and tables in Sql Server Management Studio
- How MVC Works
- How to Create Connection with Database using ADO .NET Technology
- How to Create Service in ASPNET CORE Project
- Repository Pattern
- Dependency Injection
- Middlewares
- Sessions
- Action Filters
- Book Store Project
- Custom Authentication and Authorization
- Beginner in C# and ASP. NET and SQL Server
This Course complete the following topics like
1. How to start Project in Visual Studio 2022 with Target framework 7.0
2. How to Connect Database with ADO .NET in ASP.NET CORE MVC
3. Start Book Store Project , Real Time scratched project
4. Repository pattern with 3-tier architecture
5. Session to store User Credential
6. Action Filter to handle User Session
7. Controller to View for rendering the UI
8. DI : Dependency Injection to create object in IOC Container
9. Service Layer to design business logics
10. Theme Concept
11. Bootswatch theme
12. Relationship between the object
13. SQL Connection to create connection with Database
14. Sql Command for Quering with the database table
15. Sql DataReader to read data from Database server
16. Stroed Prcedure to handle Project Functions
17. Middleware to Render Request and response pipeline
18. ViewBag, ViewData and TempData , use for transfer data from controller to view
19. Partial View for navigation
20 View Component for showing cart items
21 Html Helper to show UI in Razor Views
22. Use Tag helpers
23. Paging Searching and Sort the data
24 Repository Pattern to Handle Data Function
25 Generic Function to handle common things
26 Modular monolithic application for book store ecommerce project
27. Ecommerce project for storing book, Purchase book, Cart Option, Order Options
28. Basic Functionality of Shoping cart
Who this course is for:
- Beginners and Intermediates
I am a passionate and creative software engineer with a strong focus on simplicity and thorough details. I have been programming since high school and I have been involved with multiple web using .net
I have a Bachelor of Computer Engineering. I also have many years of experience with .NET C# and .NET MVC. I enjoy teaching along with my full-time job.