Apache Flink 1.17.x DataStream API Streaming即時計算完全教程
What you'll learn
- 清楚知道什麼是 Apache Flink
- Apache Flink Stream API
- Apache Flink Resource Provider and Deployment Mode
- Apache Flink 內部架構
- Apache Flink Windows and Window Operator
- Apache Flink Watermarks and Strategies
- Apache Flink distributed state and backend stores
- Apache Flink Job Fault Tolerance
- Apache Hadoop (Mandatory)
- Java 1.8+ (Mandatory)
- Linux basic commands (Mandatory)
- Apache Kafka (Optional)
- Apache Kafka Streams Framework(Optional)
- Apache Maven(Optional)
非常感謝您能夠購買我的課程,這是一門關於Apache Flink 1.17.x的完全教學視頻,在該視頻中我會非常詳細由淺入深的介紹並且練習每一個Apache Flink框架的使用細節.
Apache Flink 是一個框架和分散式處理引擎,用於對無界和有界資料流進行狀態計算。 Flink 被設計為在所有常見的叢集環境中運行,以記憶體速度和任何規模執行計算。
涵蓋絕大多數Apache Flink框架的內容
Apache Flink 1.17.2 快速開始
詳細講解Apache Flink 1.17.2 Job Deployment Mode
詳細講解Apache Flink 1.17.2 運行時架構
詳細講解Apache Flink 1.17.2 DataStream API及即時應用開發
詳細講解Apache Flink 1.17.2 Window API及即時應用開發
深入解讀Apache Flink 1.17.2 Watermark-處理遲到和亂序數據
詳細講解Apache Flink 1.17.2 Stateful operators and Application
詳細講解Apache Flink 1.17.2 Checkpoints & SavePoints & Exactly Once Semantic
希望你能夠喜歡這門課程,經過這門課程的學習,您將成為Apache Flink的專家,並且能夠基於Apache Flink構建複雜即時事件處理應用程式
Who this course is for:
- Big Data Engineer
- Big Data Developer
- Big Data Architecture
He has more than 10 years of development experience, familiar with CI, CD and other related technologies, and is good at high concurrency, distributed application architecture and design. He is a bestselling author and has published three books in total.
More than 20 sets of video courses have been released on Chinese websites, with more than 1 million downloads.