【世界で4万人が受講】 実践!AngularJS講座
What you'll learn
- AngularJSで使われているJavascriptのそもそもの仕組みの理解
- AngularJSの裏側の仕組みを知ることでより品質の高いコードがかけるようになる
- AngularJS特有の仕組み、例えばDependency Injection、Service、Directive、Transclusionに関する理解
- Dependency Injectionのもたらすメリットの理解
- カスタムDirectiveを作って再利用可能なコンポーネントを作れるようになる
- SPA(シングルページアプリケーション)が何か、また、どのように動作しているのかわかるようになる
- AngularJSでSPAが作れるようになる
- AngularJSの仕組みについて自信をもって答えられるようになる
- ブラウザとテキストエディタ
- HTML、Javascriptに関する基礎知識
世界中で4万人を超える受講生が既に学習したAnthony Alicea氏の人気コース(Learn and Understand AngularJS)が、完全日本語版として登場しました!
- AngularJSが解決してくれる問題を「生」のJavascriptやHtmlの観点から理解できるようになる
- AngularJSが「どのように」動いているか「生」のJavascriptやHtmlの観点から理解できるようになる
- AngularJS特有の仕組み、例えばDependency Injection、Service、Directive、Transclusionを理解し、使えるようになる
- そもそも「Dependency Injection」って?というところを理解できるようになる
- 自作Directiveを作って再利用可能な部品を作れるようになる
- SPA(シングルページアプリケーション)とは何か、また、どのように動作しているのか理解できるようになる
- AngularJSでSPAが作れるようになる
Who this course is for:
- AngularJSをこれから学びたいと思っている開発者やデザイナ
- AngularJSに挑戦したことがあるが、挫折してしまった、あるいはまだ難しいと感じている人
- jQueryやBackboneを使っているが、「自分で書かないといけないことが多すぎる!」と感じている人
10年以上業務WEBアプリケーションをC#/Go/PHP/TypeScript(JavaScript)で作成してきて、フロントエンドからバックエンドまで様々なロールを経験しています。また、プログラミング言語に限らずCI/CDやIaC(Infrastructure as Code)も実践していて、AWSなどクラウドサービスに関しても経験してきています。
Born and raised in Cleveland Ohio, now married and living in upstate New York, Tony is primarily focused these days on trying to be a good husband. While inexperienced at that, he's quite experienced in all things web.
Tony has been programming since he was 12 years old, and got into web sites and web application development at 16. After graduating with a Computer Science degree from Case Western Reserve University, Tony continued with that interest as a Microsoft certified software application developer and architect, database designer, and user interface designer.
His experience has ranged across technologies such as HTML5, CSS3, ASP .NET MVC, JavaScript, jQuery, KnockoutJS, AngularJS, NodeJS, LESS, Bootstrap, SQL, Entity Framework and more.
He believes strongly that deeply understanding any topic allows you to properly learn it and, even more importantly in a real-world environment, quickly overcome problems.
He also has a deep interest in human nature and behavior, and how that impacts human-computer interaction. This interest translated into extending his career into user experience design and usability research.
Another link in the chain is his 25 years of experience in public speaking and teaching, both in front of large groups and as a one-on-one private instructor.
Putting all these pieces together, he has spent his career listening to a client need, designing a database and software to meet that need, building it, testing it, teaching others how to use it, then improving user experience by watching people actually use it and adjusting accordingly.
Tony loves teaching every aspect of what he does, and even more loves teaching in a way that imparts understanding, as opposed to just examples intended to be parroted. He loves that moment when a student 'gets it', and that's what he wants for you when you take one of his courses.
He has found that those that learn purely by example, and not by understanding, end up much more limited than they need to be.
"Examples need to be built on top of context, and once you have context, you can not only copy the examples you find, but adjust and improve upon them."
He firmly believes that everyone has the ability to develop software, if they are just taught properly. Including you.
"It is my pleasure and privilege to teach you. I hope you'll come away knowing something you didn't before, understanding at a level deeper than before, and feeling positive that you can accomplish what you've set out to accomplish. Thank you!" - Tony Alicea
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