دورة الخط الكوفي القديم
What you'll learn
- الخط الكوفي القديم
- تطويع القلم و الحرف
- الإلمام باللغة العربية
مرحبا بكم أيها الأحبة في دورة تعلم الخط الكوفي القديم و الذي يُعتبر البداية الفنية لخط الجزم العربي، مع الفنان التشكيلي و المصمم و الخطاط العالمي سامي الغربي
قمت بتصميم هذه الدورة لتمكنك من وضع أولى خطواتك بثبات في مجال الخط العربي الكوفي القديم، مع التدريب و المراس سوف تتمكن من تطويع الحرف و القيام بأعمال فنية خطية تشكيلية رائعة و مميزة.
سنستعرض خلال هذا الكورس أهم مبادئ النجاح في مجال الخط العربي ، مع التركيز على القواعد و القياسات بأسلوب سهل و مُيَسَّر مع فسح المجال للتلميذ(ة) إضفاء روحه الفنية في العمل الفني.
أنجزنا هذا الكورس لكل شغوف بمجال فن الخط العربي الذي أصبح يحضى بإهتمام كبير من قبل الشرقيين و الغربيين على حد سواء .
الخط العربي يحمل لصاحبه الاحترام و التبجيل كما يتيح مجالات واسعة للعمل في مجال التصميم و المشاركة في المعارض الفنية.
انضم اليوم لهذا الكورس و تابع الاستثمار في هذا الفن الرائع و تذكر و أن الخط العربي للإمام كمال و للعالِم جلال و للفقير مال.
بالتوفيق إن شاء الله
Who this course is for:
- الراغبون في تعلم الخط العربي
Sami Gharbi is an Arab self-made calligraphist, musician and designer, who originated from the city of Bizerte, Tunisia.
Sami had several exhibitions both his own and joint ones in Tunisia and abroad, including Germany, Dubai, Saudi Arabia, China, India, Turkey, etc.
He was invited by numerous Tunisian and international media outlets (the United States, Germany, Palestine, Turkey, Jordan, Bahrain, China, India, Morocco, Estonia, Ukraine, Qatar and others).
He designed book covers for countless Tunisian and International writers and poets (Albania, Pakistan, Morocco, Germany and others).
In 2015, he was nominated the representative of Tunisian art in Kiev.
In addition, he represented his country twice in 2016 and 2017 and 2018 as an Arab calligraphist and fine artist in the biggest international Tourism exhibition (ITB BERLIN MESSE) in Berlin.
As an artist, Sami was a source of inspiration for many PhD theses as well as his contribution in supervising one of the students of Harvard University.
Some of his works was used as a subject for studying in the faculty of fine arts in Istanbul under the title: “The Tunisian Art.”
Besides, he represented Tunisia in the international tourism exhibition in Istanbul (EMITT ISTANBUL) in 2017 and 2018, and the international tourism exhibition in Shanghai in 2017 (SWTF SHANGHAI).
In the same year, not only he represented Tunisia but also the whole region of the Arab Maghreb in the international art fair in Jaipur.
He represented his country in The Jaipur Art Summit- India 12/2018.
Escale à Sete Festival in France 03/2018.
International Tourism Fair in Baghdad- 03/2018.
Furthermore, he is a member of the Music group ‘Garby’s brothers’, which won the first place in the Tunisian songs festival in 2008.
In 2007, he was appointed along with his brothers as Tunisia’s ambassador of the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA). They represented Tunisia in numerous international events and occasions (France, Austria, Egypt, Jordan, Algeria among others).
Currently, Sami who is a father of three children is running his own business called ‘Arrahma company’.