Scikit-learn in Python: 100+ Data Science Exercises
What you'll learn
- solve over 100 exercises in numpy, pandas and scikit-learn
- deal with real programming problems in data science
- work with documentation and Stack Overflow
- guaranteed instructor support
- completion of all courses in the Python Developer learning path
- completion of all courses in the Data Scientist learning path
- basic knowledge of NumPy, Pandas & Scikit-learn
The "Scikit-learn in Python: 100+ Data Science Exercises" course is a comprehensive, hands-on guide to one of the most essential libraries for machine learning in Python, Scikit-learn. This course employs a practical, exercise-driven approach that helps learners understand and apply various machine learning algorithms and techniques.
The course is organized into different sections, each devoted to a specific aspect of the Scikit-learn library. It covers everything from data preprocessing, including feature extraction and selection, to various machine learning models such as linear regression, decision trees, support vector machines, and ensemble methods, to model evaluation and hyperparameter tuning.
Each section is packed with carefully designed exercises that reinforce each concept and give you the chance to apply what you've learned. You will solve real-world problems that mirror the challenges faced by data scientists in the field. Detailed solutions accompany each exercise, enabling you to compare your work and gain a better understanding of how to best use Scikit-learn for machine learning tasks.
The "Scikit-learn in Python: 100+ Data Science Exercises" course is perfect for anyone interested in expanding their data science toolkit. Whether you're a beginner looking to dive into machine learning, or a seasoned data scientist wanting to refine your skills, this course offers an enriching learning experience.
Scikit-learn - Unleash the Power of Machine Learning!
Scikit-learn is a versatile machine learning library in Python that provides a wide range of algorithms and tools for building and implementing machine learning models. It is widely used by data scientists, researchers, and developers to solve complex problems through classification, regression, clustering, and more. With Scikit-learn, you can efficiently preprocess data, select appropriate features, train and evaluate models, and perform model selection and hyperparameter tuning. It offers a consistent API, making it easy to experiment with different algorithms and techniques. Scikit-learn also provides useful utilities for data preprocessing, model evaluation, and model persistence. Its user-friendly interface and extensive documentation make it a go-to choice for machine learning practitioners looking to leverage the power of Python for their projects.
Topics you will find in this course:
preparing data to machine learning models
working with missing values, SimpleImputer class
classification, regression, clustering
feature extraction
PolynomialFeatures class
LabelEncoder class
OneHotEncoder class
StandardScaler class
dummy encoding
splitting data into train and test set
LogisticRegression class
confusion matrix
classification report
LinearRegression class
MAE - Mean Absolute Error
MSE - Mean Squared Error
sigmoid() function
accuracy score
DecisionTreeClassifier class
GridSearchCV class
RandomForestClassifier class
CountVectorizer class
TfidfVectorizer class
KMeans class
AgglomerativeClustering class
HierarchicalClustering class
DBSCAN class
dimensionality reduction, PCA analysis
Association Rules
LocalOutlierFactor class
IsolationForest class
KNeighborsClassifier class
MultinomialNB class
GradientBoostingRegressor class
Who this course is for:
- data scientists or machine learning practitioners who want to enhance their skills in using the Scikit-learn library for building and evaluating machine learning models in Python
- students or individuals with a background in data science, machine learning, or related fields who want to gain hands-on experience in applying machine learning techniques using Scikit-learn
- programmers or software developers who are interested in data science and want to learn how to use Scikit-learn for tasks such as data preprocessing, model training, and evaluation
- professionals working in industries such as finance, healthcare, or marketing, where machine learning is applied, and who want to learn how to leverage Scikit-learn for their data analysis and modeling needs
- self-learners who are passionate about data science and want to develop proficiency in using Scikit-learn for various machine learning tasks, including classification, regression, clustering, and model evaluation
- researchers or scientists who want to apply machine learning techniques to their research problems and utilize Scikit-learn as a tool for model building and evaluation
Python Developer/AI Enthusiast/Data Scientist/Stockbroker
Enthusiast of new technologies, particularly in the areas of artificial intelligence, the Python language, big data and cloud solutions. Graduate of postgraduate studies at the Polish-Japanese Academy of Information Technology in the field of Computer Science and Big Data specialization. Master's degree graduate in Financial and Actuarial Mathematics at the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science at the University of Lodz. Former PhD student at the faculty of mathematics. Since 2015, a licensed Securities Broker with the right to provide investment advisory services (license number 3073). Lecturer at the GPW Foundation, conducting training for investors in the field of technical analysis, behavioral finance, and principles of managing a portfolio of financial instruments.
Founder at e-smartdata
Data Scientist, Securities Broker
Jestem miłośnikiem nowych technologii, szczególnie w obszarze sztucznej inteligencji, języka Python big data oraz rozwiązań chmurowych. Posiadam stopień absolwenta podyplomowych studiów na kierunku Informatyka, specjalizacja Big Data w Polsko-Japońskiej Akademii Technik Komputerowych oraz magistra z Matematyki Finansowej i Aktuarialnej na wydziale Matematyki i Informatyki Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego. Od 2015 roku posiadam licencję Maklera Papierów Wartościowych z uprawnieniami do czynności doradztwa inwestycyjnego (nr 3073). Jestem również wykładowcą w Fundacji GPW prowadzącym szkolenia dla inwestorów z zakresu analizy technicznej, finansów behawioralnych i zasad zarządzania portfelem instrumentów finansowych. Mam doświadczenie w prowadzeniu zajęć dydaktycznych na wyższej uczelni z przedmiotów związanych z rachunkiem prawdopodobieństwa i statystyką. Moje główne obszary zainteresowań to język Python, sztuczna inteligencja, web development oraz rynki finansowe.
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